California Flyin

California Flyin

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 5

Wonder Why today was canceled?
Yup this is May 27th 2010 in Calgary.
But next Wednesday sure looks good. ;We will keep our fingers crossed (inside our mitts) for Saturday.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 4

Well, the weather has kind of gone south, well strong east winds, heavy overcast and rain all around. Looks like were done with only two valid task, will keep an eye on the weather, and perhaps it will improve before its forecast too , which is of course is at the begining of next week.

will let you know if it improves.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 3

Today was a ton of fon, the task was to tag Llongview then to the Black Diamond sail plane port.
Four of us completed the task, Doug Keller, Bruce Hanson, myself, and Rob Clarkson. Rob smoked the 60 km. course in record time, to move further ahead of me :<(. I keep hoping for Rob to hit the dirt, but it just dosen't happen any more, Rob is flying very well, and fast too.

Other pilots had great flights today as well, Ken McDowell had a personnel Best, and Jaosn Dyer had a 100 foot save at the tow site, they landed just a few km. short of goal.

sky is clear, hope to have another fun day tomorrow.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 2

Well this was much better, everyone got away today, smiles all around.

With the SE wind we are kind of limited on our task selection, due to this town, "Calgary" down wind of the site. The best we could do was 50 km. to the Black Diamond sail plane club. Then I came up with this idea, we might as well try to fly back, if we make it there, so the task was doubled in distance and made 10 times harder. No one made it back. I'll have to let the singers sing, and the task guys do the task thing.

I was first to get away, and had a pretty ez time getting there, but arrived to low to get up and make it back. Perhaps I should have approached slower and stayed higher, so I would not have to drift further down wind to get back up. Anyways landed at the glider port. Shortly after I heard on the unicom from a sial plane pilot that another hang glider was in the area. It was Bruce Hanson, he was able to climb some after he arrived, but his glide into the SE wind was not so good, so Bruce came down to join me for a cold beer at the glider port. There were several sail planes flying around and Bruce shared a few thermals with them and got some nice photos.

Rob Clarkson came by next climbed out nicely, drifting 5 km. past the turn pt, then he flew back and made it 5 km. back towards launch to win the day. Nice flying Rob. Doug Keller was just short of the turn point, and others were sprinkled on the course line back towards launch.

It was a real scenic flight today, nice flying towards the mountains, and over towns and rivers that we had not flown over before. The people at the glider port were very hospitable and they were as much interested in our flying machines as we were in theirs. It made for a very pleasant wait for retrieval. Everyone is happy in camp tonight.

Cheers and thanks for following,

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 1

Well, not our best day. We ran into an issue with the county and were kicked off our tow roads
seconds before I was to Launch. The sky looked good and we were all set up then the local bylaw officer said no go, After having permission from the local land owners, been flying on the roads for years, added the county to our insurance, it seems like Vulcan flying is coming to an end.

But we do have other tow roads in the area, and the forecast tomorrow was looking good when last checked. Anyways no flying today, but hope to have some better flights to report tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 14th

Was a great day flying, Larry Shumlich had a personnel best, 2.5 hrs. 53 Km. and 10,600 feet.
I managed to get Dennis Turner to give me a couple tows and ended up getting 190 km.
Thanks Bruce for Picking me up in eastern Alberta. I came within a couple km. of and F something fighter jet, and close to landing in no mans land, but it all worked out well, did not hit any fighter jets, and landed within a short drive of cold beer. John Janssen and Michael Schulte also had nice flights after towing up other pilots. Michael made sure Sandra had a few nice flights before he went XC and John made sure Larry had a nice flight, and Larry sure did.
We already have 6 100 + miles flights in Alberta this season after Doug Keller landed near Foremost on Saturday the 15th of May.
Hope the great conditions hold through sMiles in May.

Monday, May 10, 2010

May 10 2010

Was a good day for flying today, if one was able to go, :<( ended up working at my sisters, Heard the guys up north had a good day however. Well the paraglider pilots did, Rob will do better tomorrow.
Forecast looks good for next several days, :<) hope to get out for one or two.